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Maria Sonrisa

What is a Dabloon? The Dabloon TikTok Trend EXPLAINED!

If you are on TikTok, you probably noticed how many people are talking about a thing called “dabloons” in the last few days. The short videos seem completely out of context and could pop up on your For You Page without any explanation.

And while GenZ is all on the trend and making a whole economy based on the so-called dabloons, the comments on these videos are full of millennials and people from the older generations who are simply confused.

I am here to put an end to this confusion and get deeper into the trend, what started it and how to hop up on the Dabloon train as an individual or as a brand. Learn what is a “dabloon” and why is everyone obsessed with following their Dabloon balance.

Keep on reading to learn more about this fictional market with a virtual cat currency.

What you need to know about the Dabloon trend on TikTok

The Dabloon Cat

I tried to get to the bottom of how this trend came to be. But as I got deeper into it, I got quite DEEP into it. Despite all the videos I looked at, I still don’t have a full-blown explanation of who or what started it on TikTok.

But I know how it all started has something to do with the original Dabloon Cat:

TikTok Dabloon trend explained, dabloon cat meme
The Original 4 Dabloons Cat

The original “4 Dabloons Cat” meme was first shared on Instagram by user @catz.jpeg in mid-2021. Back when this meme took off, the original joke about what a dabloon is was referring to a cat's toe beans.

Even though this meme circulated around for a while, the viral TikTok economy was established way later - around October 2022, with the launch of TikTok's photo slideshow feature.

Right now, any cute, weird, or odd-looking kitty can become a Dabloon Cat.

Dabloon Cats typically hold “golden dabloons” (also called "TikTok cat doubloons") or a few paw fingers up, signifying how many dabloons you can get (or lose) just because you stumbled on a certain video.

The Dabloon Currency

Now, let’s talk about the most pressing questions:

  • What is a dabloon?

  • How does a dabloon look like?

  • How to keep track of your dabloons?

Dabloon is a fictional virtual currency on TikTok. The Dabloon coins in the videos look like antique golden coins with curvy or uneven edges and nrunes engraved on them.

Please note that the dabloons are not physical, nor do you have a way to collect and store your dabloon “money” in your TikTok account. There are other ways to track how many dabloons you have.

Most TikTok users keep track of their current dabloons by writing memos in the Notes app on their smartphones. Others use their Calculator app. I am certain that soon there would be a dabloon counting mobile app or a TikTok money calculator available to download.

Origin: It is safe to say, TikTok’s dabloons originate from the 4-Dabloons-Cat meme. But how did the word “dabloon” come around? Some people believe it refers to the historical Spanish currency “doubloon” - gold coins, used for trading. While others like the original meme reference that calls cat toe beans dabloons. Seems to me that the truth is somewhere in the middle.

The Dabloon Economy

One thing you will notice as you explore the dabloon part of TikTok is how often you will see these certain Dabloon Cats that rob you, fine you, sell you things, tax you, or offer you free dabloons. You also get to trade with these cats to get fictional items.

Think of it as a kind of game. You stumble across a dabloon video on your FYP - you are obliged to participate! The dabloon videos start with the phrase “Hello Traveler” and look like a retro NPC game where a Dabloon Cat or other fictional character tells you what happens to your virtual dabloons.

As I already mentioned, you may lose some dabloons, be gifted more dabloons, you can ‘buy’ certain things in the game. Or you can even stubble upon the IRS or pirates who will take a part or all of your dabloons. It is all a matter of luck on what kind of video you will stumble upon.

The Sound and Voice Filter

All dabloon TikToks use the same sound, as a way to recognize you are in the game as the video plays. Here is the name of the sound that has most videos to it:

  • cold island sped up (leo/puffer!!!!)

You will also stumble upon this sound with other names, as people tend to use it A LOT. So if you ever land on Dabloon TikTok, make sure to “Add to Favorites” the distinctive dabloon song. If you want to make a dabloon video, it is a good idea to use the new voice filter - the one that changes your voice like a cartoon character (if you have this filter option available).

For more info on this trend, check out the explainer video by KnowYourMeme.

Dabloon your way on the GenZ’s For You Page

And while the dabloon trend on TikTok is all about individuals right now, in my opinion, it is a matter of time to see popular brand accounts like RyanAir, Duolingo, Innocent Drinks, etc, start giving away free dabloons or put dabloon prices on their products just for the sake of the viral element.

This is also an opportunity for other big or small businesses to dive into the GenZ realm and go viral with their participation in the ‘new online economy’ before all the other brands get ahead of the situation.

Unfortunately, the new voice filter is not yet available for all business accounts, only for personal ones. But don’t let that discourage you! You can still dabloon your way into the TikTok community if you are creative enough with your concepts.

Need consultation on your Business TikTok presence and activity? VEEL Content can give you a short and FREE initial consultation. Get in touch through the contact form on our website or send us a DM on social media @veelcontent (Instagram).


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